IMAZ Sign Up

Getting Started

So I’ve been wanting to start this blog for a while now to chronicle our journey to Ironman Arizona. It’s our 1st full Ironman race.  As this is the 1st post, I think a bit of history is in order. It all really started last November when we volunteered at the Ironman Arizona 2012 race. My husband and I signed up for Bike Handling. This was a really fun job, involving catching the bikes as the riders came in from their 112 mile ride portion of the race. Volunteering for the race is one of the best ways to assure you get a spot on the participant list. Just an FYI, some of the athletes literally throw their bikes at you so you need to have lots of energy for this. We literally ran for 5 hours, catching bikes and re-racking them in the transition area. This race is so popular that it sells out online almost immediately. So if you are thinking about doing it (and you should!) a bit of planning is needed. Once you finish you volunteering for the race, you have priority sign up the next day for the race the following year. Again, just a tip for you, get to the sign up early. They said they would open at 8AM, we got there at 6:4oAM with coffee in hand and there were already hundreds of people in line!! Crazy Triathletes!! Anyway, after standing in line for awhile we paid our $700 and signed up. It’s ON NOW!