MultiSport Girl

New Year, Happy 2014

So I keep reading and seeing articles of “New Year, New You!” Now is the time to get inspired and make some positive changes to get or stay healthy and happy in 2014. I’m still in the planning phase for this year but have some thoughts about what I want to accomplish this year. Last year was a big, big goal, Ironman Arizona (read my race report here). This year is going to be one of giving back in the form of race volunteering and a few shorter distance races. Also, I am working toward being fully plant-based athlete. Which leads me to last but certainly not least, planting an organic garden. I’ll be posting that process as well as recipes.

Vegitarian PizzaPlant-based (& Gluten-Free) Nutrition Goodness:
We (my husband and I) have been dabbling in plant-based nutrition for the past year. I’ve learned lots and made great recipes from this site ( I also am getting to know how to re-work some of my favorite recipes to vegetarian / plant-based. I’ll be posting those recipes and pass on any knowledge I acquire on this subject as we go along. I’m really becoming passionate about helping others get/stay healthy with nutrition and exercise. This was a big focus for my training and racing last year and I really dialed in my race nutrition in my recent Ironman race. I was so happy and relieved to accomplish this and keep making strides in this area. Most of my prior races, I always had stomach/digestive issues that made for less than stellar race results. Looking forward to sharing all what I’ve learned that works for me and might work well for you too.

Running Shoes Brooks PureFlow
New shoes!

New Gear:
On that note, I had the opportunity yesterday to get some new running shoes. Nothing like new gear to get you inspired and moving. I’ve been needing new shoes for a while now and have had my eye on Brooks Ghost. When I started doing my homework and researching details of these shoes, I also found a relatively new Brooks shoe that I had not heard of before. Brooks PureFlow, which is a neutral, minimalist shoe in their PureProject line. The shoe feels different from other shoes as your heel is slightly lower than the forefoot and this makes you strike more mid-foot rather than traditional heel strike. I’ll do a thorough review in a few weeks after I get some miles on these. Super comfortable and different feel, minimalist with cushioning. Excited to get some runs in on these.

30-day Run Challenge:
Speaking of getting my runs in…I’m fresh off taking time off Ironman Arizona so I’m motivated to get back to it. I’m challenging myself to 30 days of running. I started yesterday. I’ll keep you all posted on my progress. I haven’t  planned out my weekly milage yet so that will be coming. I read about this and have done a 30-day AB challenge last year while training for Ironman Arizona. It was great way to make a new habit and see some progress in a short (30 days) amount of time. I’m definitely not limiting my goals to running, still going to be riding and swimming. Got a 12 class pass to Hot Yoga as well that really has been fun and challenging. Yoga (any kind) is a great compliment to running because it forces you to make time to stretch and get strong core and upper body too.

OK, your turn, if you feel inclined, leave a comment on your fitness and/or nutrition aspirations for 2014. Honestly, if you write it down; you’ll do it in some form or another but it will get done. I hesitated about posting my challenge because it means I’m accountable … to my readers (even if no one is reading this! ha) my friends/family and mostly to myself. I think we can all help each other. Get started… Stay Motivated… achieve Happiness. So Dream Big and stay tuned.