Tag Archives: 30 day run challenge

Getting it done, gear, a recipe & assorted musings while running

Run Inspired Road

Whew this is a jam-packed post today! How time flies. I have one more day (today) on my self imposed 30 day Run Challenge. Here’s how it’s gone down. Looking back over the past 30 days, I’ve run 24 of them. My intention was to run 26 of 30. Honestly though, the expectation was not much more that seeing what happened and where I was at. No stressful goals here. Still in “off season” mode.


For anyone “just getting back into it”, I say don’t put too many expectations on yourself, ease back into your workouts, enjoy them. Then you’ll crave to do more and more. Continue reading Getting it done, gear, a recipe & assorted musings while running