Tag Archives: IMAZ 2013

Ironman Arizona 2013 Race Report

Ironman Arizona 2013 post raceOK it’s been almost 48 hours since the race. Thought I should get my race report posted so I can re-live what an awesome day it was!!  My husband and I signed up a year ago (Nov 2012) for IMAZ after volunteering last year. We did bike handling and it was exciting. (read more getting started) It’s the best way to get a spot in this popular race.

If you are a first timer and are  interested in some extra race info, in my next post I’ll give you my top 5 tips for a successful race.

OK this is a bit long so grab a coffee/tea and read on:
OK HERE WE GO! Get ‘R DONE! We were staying in a condo close to the race so we got up at 4AM had some breakfast which included museli (Bob’s RedMill Gluten Free Museli), 1/2 bagel with peanut butter and 1/2 banana. Fueled up and ready to go, we grabbed our bike food, bottles and swim stuff and headed over to Tempe Town Lake area around 4:45AM. Found great FREE parking in USAIRWAYS  building super close to race venue. OK getting a bit nervous now…what we have worked for so long the past year is coming to culmination. This is it! Continue reading Ironman Arizona 2013 Race Report